I haven’t heard much from Crowne-Gold lately, but I just read two very disturbing comments on my original post about Crowne-Gold. Here I will reproduce them in full: 1: By Eileen Ross…
GalleonFX – Update on current conditions coming
As you may know already I got cold feet and revoked GalleonFX’s LPOA on my account due to the massive drawdown I’ve experienced. Well, after a massive flood of e-mail GalleonFX staff…
Young Trader Behind $7 Billion Loss at French Bank
Here is one for the history books. When I first heard about this my mouth was open for 5 minutes in amazement. Simply stunning. Seven billion Officials at the French bank Societe…
I just closed my GalleonFX test account today
It is with great regret to inform those of you who have been following my adventures with GalleonFX’s manged account offering that as of today January 23’rd, 2008 I have decided to…
The Infamous “Expat Tax” May Become A Reality
Thinking of becoming an expat? Think again! In yet another totalitarian move by the United State Government you just may be heavily taxed if you decide to exercise your constitutionally protected right…
Forex Broker FXCM Announces Tighter Spreads
Being a client of FXCM I just got an e-mail from them saying that they’re going to have even tighter spreads. This is very good news! I use FXCM for two managed…