Greetings Earthlings. In a galaxy far far way I once made a post introducing you all to CBClicks. Well, it’s been, hmm, about 4 months now if my memory serves me correctly…
Digital Gold Currency Magazine February Issue Now Available
Mark Herpel’s Digital Gold Currency Magazine (DGC Magazine) has just taken its second baby step with the release of the February issue. This issue features a writeup about GoldMoney, so you definitely…
c-gold facing DDoS attacks
Benson from Digital Money World reports that c-gold is being hammered with a major DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack. This explains why for the last few days I wasn’t able to…
Ideal Money Manager Characteristics
What is the perfect manager? Here is a list of the ideal characteristics a money manager should have that I came across on this website. 1. Have very low drawdowns relative to…
How to Spot a Forex Scam
Start researching Forex and you’re likely to see several ads proclaiming ridiculous guarantees such as “2,000 pips a Day!” or “400% Profits in 3 Days!!” Before you quit your day job and…
Questions and Answers to Jason Hommel’s Silver Stock Report
by Jason Hommel, January 10, 2008 I received a lot of questions in response to yesterday’s report on silver: Silver Keeping Pace with Gold; Set to Outpace Gold Question: Where can…