UPDATE: The new Dish Network affiliate program is now active. To join visit this link: http://allsat.com/dishaff/ Hi. If you’re an AllSat affiliate you should read this important notice in case you haven’t…
Tag: Affiliate Programs
Full Tilt Poker Pays
Hello fellow online money makers. Just a brief post to let you all know that Full Tilt Poker has payed me yet again. So far their affiliate program has made me money…
GetACoder Affiliate Program
Hi. It’s been quite a while since I introduced any new affiliate programs, so I figure now with the new year getting started what better way to kick things off then with…
ClickBank Adds New Direct Deposit Countries
Attention ClickBank affiliates! I’ve got news for you. ClickBank has added 3 more countries to their direct deposit payments supported list. Here is the official news release: 2008-12-16 ClickBank is pleased to…
Sunbelt Software Affiliate Program
Greetings fellow affiliate marketers. Today I am going to introduce you to the Sunbelt Software Affiliate Program. Sunbelt Software is the company that created the popular CounterSpy anti-spyware/anti-malware program. This is one…
AllSat Commission Increase to $125 Per Sale
UPDATE: AllSat is now the Dish Network Affiliate Program. See this link: http://alansmoneyblog.com/2009/03/28/dish-network-affiliate-program-is-now-live/ This is a bit old, but I just thought I’d let all you affiliate program marketers know that the…