Hi everyone. This is totally unrelated to the theme of this blog but I felt that I should nonetheless post this as it’s really so cool that I could not resist not sharing it with everyone. Apparently scientists have discovered an Earth-like planet 20 light years away. This planet has been named “Gliese 581g.” Gliese 581g orbits a red dwarf star at just the right distance from it in what scientists call the “Goldilocks zone.” As a result temperatures on the planet would be stable enough for water to pool – ie rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.
The only bad news is that our current technology precludes us from being able to study the chemical composition of this Planet’s atmosphere to search for signs of life. Maybe some day in teh future we will be able to know for sure.
Very cool stuff. I always knew this would happen, and I’m very glad it did because this changes our perspective on the universe. I have no doubt that this planet will be but one of many such Earth-like planets that we will discover. I just hope that within the next 50100 years we will develop tthe necessary technology to send a robotic probe to this planet. It would take a really long time for the probe to get there and for the radio signals transmitted by the probe to get to us, but I say it’s totally worth it.
To read the news release checkout this link:
Also I found a youtube video that goes into some details:
[youtube PmTjAmop688]
Alan out.