Here is the latest update on my test GalleonFX account. I was all happy and cheery that at one point (a few days ago) my test account was at $1500 AGAIN (grrr!!) , and I was thinking maybe I’ve hit a winning streak and now hopefully I can have a nice gap between my original deposit ($1100) and the current account value. However, the Forex gods decided that such is not my fate to be and bestowed upon me a nice big drawdawn.
So my account size is now at $1184 and honestly I feel like this account is just a yo-yo, up and down, up and down, and all winning streaks are given back to the market and I’m back to square one. The month is not over but that’s what I told myself last time when it was in a similar situation.
So in conclusion I think I’m just wasting my time with this test account. I think you folks have pretty much got the idea that GalleonFX does produce results, but that having a small account size is not such a hot idea. Unfortunately this means that the “small investor” just can’t play this managed forex accounts game. Sorry to break it down to you like this, but you just have to pay big to play this game and survive.
Their new account minimum of $10,000 is a bit more reasonable, and I’m thinking that once I restructure some of my other investment I will “upgrade” my account to at least that amount.
I wish GalleonFX and their members happy trades and much profit.
End of update report. Cheers. Now Scotty, beam me up to a pub, I need to drink away my sorrows 😉