As you may know already I got cold feet and revoked GalleonFX’s LPOA on my account due to the massive drawdown I’ve experienced. Well, after a massive flood of e-mail GalleonFX staff released an official statement, and here it is:
Because of the recent draw down we are still in, we have been getting over whelmed with emails. We can not respond to all of them in a timely manner but we are preparing an update to be posted here within 24hrs.
So, check back again soon to see our system developers explanations of what is going on and what is being done to get us out of this draw down quickly.
I will post their update as soon as I see it but if you want to get to it first you can always visit their webpage over here. Now cometh the decision time. Should I maybe get back in or should I stick to my original decision and forget about GallleonFX. Ok, anyways, I’ll keep you folks posted on the latest developments.