Here is a little interesting bit of info for you curious folks out there. After 13 years as the wealthiest person in the world, Microsoft’s co-founder drops to third place, behind the Oracle of Omaha and Mexico’s Carlos Slim Helú.
Warren Buffett has seen his fortune swell to an estimated $62 billion, up $10 billion from a year ago. This massive pile of cash easily puts him ahead of Bill Gates who held the crown as the world’s wealthiest person in the world for the past 13 year. At last the software king is now dethroned. Bill Gates is now worth $58 billion and is ranked third in the world. Interesting bit of tria is that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are the only American billionaires in the Top 10 list of “the world’s richest people.”
Here is the world’s Top 5 richest people:
1: Warren Buffet
2: Carlos Slim Helú
3: Bill Gates
4: Lakshmi Mittal
5: Mukesh Ambani
Don’t worry folks, one day I’ll be on that list too 😉
One thing that doesn’t surprise me is that with only two of the top 5 are Americans. Two of them are from Asian countries (India to be more specific). I think future wealth and the next world’s richest person will most likely originate from some Asian country.