If you check out my portfolio you’ll find out that I have a managed account with IPAM (Income Plus Asset Management Inc.), or to be more specific I’m invested in the IPAM Master at FXCM account. I just thought I’d release IPAM’s latest performance results so you folks can get an idea of how their managed forex accounts are performing. For me this month’s performance wasn’t as good as last month (IPAM Master at FXCM performance for Feb was 6.72%), but I’ll take what I can get. Hopefully next month will be better.
Looking at the performance results below you can see that their PA5FX at IFX account is the top performer for this month, but in spite of this I would still recommend their IPAM Master at FXCM and the Power-S80 at IFX because they show more consistent results. I believe the PA5FX account is for those of you who have a higher risk tolerance.