Check out this interesting post I’ve found on the ForexPeaceArmy forum:
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Greetings to our fellow soldiers,
We, the members of the FPA Scam Investigations Committee, have confirmed a 3rd scam case against ForexGen. Once again, they have stolen money from a trader. This time, they claim there were hostile activities that justified them extracting 100% of all of his profits from his account, but repeatedly refused to provide any evidence of these activities to the trader. They also claimed the account was inactive, but ignored proof provided by the trader that showed the account was active.
Lt. Ken, who is is one of our investigators, tried to contact ForexGen to see if there was a way to resolve this issue. The result was that his name and email signature were posted in another forum by a person attempting to discredit the FPA. Later, an anti-FPA propaganda blog faked a date on an entry claiming to have had Lt. Ken’s name associated with the FPA in February of 2007. The Scam Investigations Committee did not exist then. The FPA was called ForexBastards at that time and consisted solely of reviews. Back then, there was no forum and no investigations other than those that Felix and Rob personally did. Lt. Ken only began working for the FPA in late February of 2008. It is obvious to us that ForexGen is actively coordinating an effort to discredit the FPA in order to try to draw attention away from their repeated theft of funds from traders and support of other unethical activities online.
The first case against ForexGen was when they stole over $160,000 from Rashid as well as various sums from other traders. The second case was when our member Pharaoh proved that one or more ForexGen IBs were posting false conversations in many forex forums to advertise ForexGen as well as spamming ads in many non-financial forums. ForexGen failed to lift a finger to stop any of this, and even provided the text of a complaint made by a forum owner to their spammers. The third case is the flagrant theft of all profits from our member Adam.
We have blacklisted ForexGen for both the thefts from traders as well as their support of other unethical activities online. If you have any money with them, stop trading the account and try to withdraw it immediately. We also strongly encourage anyone who has lost any amount of money to these scammers to contact Okokrim. This is The Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime. Their website is…
There is an “Information in English” button on top of the page.
Okokrim can also be reached by email at
We have heard that the Norwegian police are building a case to finally put an end to these scammers. Any solid evidence of more thefts by ForexGen that you can provide to them will be helpful.
Our conclusions for each case are here…
Join your fellow soldiers and help protect the world of forex from scammers like these. Warn your fellow traders not to do business with ForexGen. Do your part and help us to end ForexGen’s scams
We hope you get many pips and don’t lose a single one to scammers,
FPA Scam Investigations Committee
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