Hi everyone. It’s been a long time since I blogged about a new affiliate program. I’ve also been extremely busy lately so unfortunately I haven’t had much time to dedicate to this blog and to any online marketing. But I am lucky that this weekend I’ve got a lot of spare time, so I decided to look for new affiliate marketplaces. Luckily I ran across a new one (for me at least) called RegNow.
How I found about it is quite simple really. I was checking out some forex robot trading products (I’m into forex as well) and I noticed that quite a few of these products are being sold through RegNow. So I immediately loaded RegNow’s website and found out that they’re pretty much like ClickBank, but with lower fees for sellers. They have an affiliate marketplace where you can promote various products. At the moment I am mostly interested in forex related products, but there are tons of other products you can promote.
The cool thing with RegNow is that they do not place any selling price limit on vendors, so for me this is a good thing as I can promote higher priced forex products which equals higher affiliate commissions.
The checkout pages seem very professional, and they offer a lot of different and convenient payment methods for consumers. The affiliate control panel is not as clean as I’d hoped but I (and I’m sure you too) got adjusted to it after a while.
I’m going to give it a fair try and see how it goes. I’ll report my success or failure over here on this blog as usual.
Anyways, if you’re an affiliate marketer looking for new products to promote or are a ClickBank refugee I suggest you give RegNow a try.
Click here to join the RegNow Affiliate Program!
Good luck! I hope you make tons of commissions!