Hello everyone. Greetings to all you forex traders and forex aficionados. Some of you no doubt read my previous posts where I chickened out of my GalleonFX MA. Well, I gave it some thought and I came to the conclusion that it was a rash decision. I am now back with and this time I am going to let it ride come hell or high water. My account will still be in a drawdown but judging from what I’ve heard from people who are still in the MA it looks like Galleon is making some progress towards pulling our accounts out this massive drawdown.
Now let’s talk numbers. My test account survived but it’s now at $704.20 from $1100. Can Galleon give me a $400 gain? Hmm, I wonder. If they pull another one of those lucky 75% monthly returns for sure it will. I am not counting on that though. I think it will be a very long and slow ride.
For those of you who are new to this blog and haven’t read my previous posts, you can join GalleonFX but the minimum is no longer $1000. I got in with that tiny account size due to a special promotion. The minimum account size is now at $10,000 which as anyone will tell you is still pretty low compared to most managed forex accounts out there.