Hello there. Just a brief update post on the status of the “private investment program 2” that I’m invested in – just in case you’re all curious. I know some of you have asked me just what it is this program does and how it performs. Well, here is about all I can really tell you encompassed within the text below.
Strategy 1 will be posting a 4.6% gross netting out at 4.1% for the month of August 08.Strategy 2 is still on hold. (90 days).working toward recovering Junes loses.(Yet to be determined)We have received some very good reports on our Commodity stocks Rio Tinto, Oz minerals etc.It seems the experts expect some 15 more years of more positive movement in these products going into the East, China, India, Japan, Korea, and that’s not counting the US when they move back into positive Bull market mode in early 09.
With our stocks we will be well positioned to gain on any increases.